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The lineshape of inelastic neutron scattering in the relaxor ferroelectrics
Ivanov M.A.1, Koz ovski M.2, Piesiewicz T.2, Stephanovich V.A.3, Weron A.4, Wymys owski A.5
1Institute of Metal Physics, Ukranian National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine
2Institute of Power Systems Automation & Laboratory for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits, Wroc aw University of Technology, Wroc aw, Poland
3Opole University, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Opole, Poland
4Hugo Steinhaus Center for Stochastic Methods, Wroc aw University of Technology, Wroc aw, Poland
5Laboratory for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits, Wroc aw University of Technology, Wroc aw, Poland
Email: ivanov@imp.kiev.ua
Поступила в редакцию: 4 ноября 2004 г.
Выставление онлайн: 19 сентября 2005 г.

We show that a microscopic reason for a steep dropping of the optical phonon branch into the acoustic one (the so-called waterfall effect) in relaxor ferroelectrics may be the coupling of phonons with the defects and impurities of different kinds, which is always present in relaxors. Namely, we do not specify the type of impurities but rather represent them as an ensemble of so-called two-level systems (TLS). This approach permits to trace the evolution of the "waterfall" with temperature and the TLS concentration. To facilitate the planning of experiments on inelastic neutron scattering, we present a modification of the so-called Latin Hypercube Sampling method, which, based on some significance criteria, permits, to perform the measurements which are the most signeficant to elucidate the physical nature of, e. g., phonon dispersion laws in relaxor ferroelectrics. Partial financial support was given to this work by the European Community 5th Framework Programme (MEVIPRO Project).
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