Investigation of the process of emulsion droplets coalescence in an inhomogeneous alternating electric field in the presence of an asphaltene interfacial film at the oil-water interface
Mullayanov A.I. 1, Osipova R. Sh.1, Musin A. A. 1, Kovaleva L. A. 1
1Center for Micro and Nanoscale Dynamics of Dispersed Systems, Bashkir State University, Ufa, Russia

The behavior of a "water-in-oil" emulsion stabilized with asphaltenes under the action of an inhomogeneous alternating electric field has been studied. The experimental technique was based on the use of microfluidics, optical microscopy, and high-speed video filming. The dependences of quantitative estimates of the parameters characterizing the dynamics of the emulsion destruction on the frequency and amplitude of the applied field have been obtained. The technique will be useful in developing efficient methods for breaking emulsions and modifying the existing technologies for separating oil emulsions into phases. Keywords: asphaltenes, emulsion, electric field, coalescence, optical microscopy, high-speed video filming, microfluidic device.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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