Effective Dielectric Permeability of a Composite with Matrix Ellipsoidal Inclusions
Ponomarenko V. I. 1, Lagunov I.M. 1
1Vernadskii Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia
Email: vponom@gmail.com, lagunov.igor@gmail.com

A composite material based on ellipsoidal inclusions distributed in a bonding medium is considered. A formula is obtained for calculating the effective dielectric constant of such a material, taking into account the presence of a layer of a binder on the inclusions, which prevents their direct contact. It is shown that the calculated values of the effective dielectric constant correspond to the experimental values for a composite based on sections of conductive fibers. Keywords: composite material, radar absorbing structure, diffraction of electromagnetic waves.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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