Plasmachemical etching in postgrowth technology of photovoltaic converters
Malevskaya A. V. 1, Zadiranov Y. M. 1, Il’inskaya N. D. 1, Malevskiy D. A. 1, Pokrovskiy P. V. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Investigation of the heterostructure plasmachemical etching technology for fabricating multi-junction photovoltaic converters has been carried out. The dividing mesa-structure forming stage at different etching regimes and subsequent disturbed layer removing by liquid chemical treatment has been reviewed. The influence of mesa etching methods on cells photovoltaic characteristics has been investigated. Developed was the technology of photovoltaic converters fabrication with low current leakage values less than 10-9 A at voltage less then 1 V with high resistance to degradation. Keywords: photovoltaic converter, heterostructure, plasmachemical etching, mesa-structure.
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