Physics of the Solid State
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Linear dynamics of spin waves in an array of YIG waveguides
Khutieva A. B.1, Beginin E. N. 1, Sheshukova S. E.1, Sadovnikov A. V.1
1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia

The features of spin-wave transport in a system of coupled magnetic microwaveguides with perpendicular magnetization relative to the longitudinal axis of the system are considered. In this case, the system has uniaxial anisotropy, the horizontal and vertical coupling coefficients have different signs, and the isofrequency surfaces have a "saddle" shape. In the propagation of transversely limited beams of spin waves, the type of curvature of the wave fronts is determined by the direction of wave propagation relative to the external magnetic field. Keywords: spin waves, magnonics, microwaveguides, lateral structures.
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