Bagraev N.T.1,2, Golovin P.A.3, Georgiadi V.V.2,4, Klyachkin L.E.1,2, Malyarenko A.M.1,2, Novikov B.A.2, Khromov V.S.1, Sivak K.V.5
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2 LLC "Dipole Structures", St. Petersburg, Russia
3Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia
4 Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Saint Petersburg, Russia
5Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza (a Russian Ministry of Health federal institution), St. Petersburg, Russia
Experimental data are presented on the effect of broadband irradiation in the terahertz range, modulated in the gigahertz range, on the survival of mice that have received acute poisoning with depleted uranium compounds. For the first time, the results indicate a clinically significant increase in the life span of mice, the control terms for the development of end-stage renal disease and death, as well as an increase in the survival of mice by 50%. Long-term consequences that form in the period after therapy with antidotes / chelators of toxic metals can be prevented or significantly weakened by the proposed method of physiotherapy, which can solve many problems facing society, both in ensuring occupational health and the health of the population as a whole in case of accidents at nuclear power facilities. Keywords: occupational health, broadband terahertz irradiation, GHz modulation, poisoning with depleted uranium compounds, mouse survival.
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