Study of dissociative surface ionization of thebaine molecules by non-stationary methods of surface ionization
Rakhmanov G.T. 1, Usmanov D.T. 2
1Mirzo Ulug’bek National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The adsorption and surface ionization of thebaine molecules (C19H21O3N) c m/z=311 on the surface of oxidized tungsten was studied by non-stationary methods of voltage modulation and flux modulation under the same experimental conditions using a high-vacuum mass spectrometric setup using a "black chamber" all walls of which are cooled with liquid nitrogen. The rate constants Kd and the activation energy Ed of the reaction of dissociation of previously adsorbed thebaine molecules with bond cleavage (C-C1)β with the formation of ionizable radicals by surface ionization have been determined. The rate constants K0 and activation energies of thermal desorption E0, as well as the pre-exponential factors in the continuity equation for C11H12ON+ (m/z=174) were determined during the adsorption of thebaine molecules C19H21O3N with m/z=311. Keywords: surface ionization, adsorption, non-stationary processes, thermal desorption rate constant, activation energy.
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