Features of macroscopic charge transfer in the ensembles of close-packed anatase nanoparticles near the percolation threshold
Zimnyakov D. A. 1, Volchkov S.S. 1, Varezhnikov A.S. 1, Vasilkov M.Yu. 1, Plugin I.A. 1
1Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Saratov, Russia
Email: zimnykov@mail.ru, volchkov93@bk.ru, alexspb88@mail.ru, vasilk.mikhail@yandex.ru, ilyaplygin@mail.ru

The results of experimental studies of the effect of degradation of macroscopic charge transport in ensembles of close-packed anatase nanoparticles under long-term action of a constant electric field are presented. The degradation is presumably due to the increasing degree of blocking of statistically independent conduction channels formed in ensembles of particles under the field action. A phenomenological model is considered for estimating the number of active conduction channels in an ensemble of particles near the percolation threshold in the system. Keywords: nanoparticles, anatase, charge transfer, percolation threshold.
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