Microwave volt-impedance spectroscopy of semiconductor structure
Reznik A.N. 1, Vostokov N. V.1
1Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Email: reznik@ipmras.ru, vostokov@ipm.sci-nnov.ru

Microwave voltage-impedance spectroscopy is used to study a semiconductor structure in the form of a doped n-GaAs film grown on a conducting n^+-GaAs substrate with a buffer sublayer. A system of concentric barrier contacts is formed on the structure surface. A technique has been developed for measuring complex impedance spectrum Z(f,U) of the sample as a function of DC bias voltage U. Spectra Z(f,U) were measured using a Cascade Microtech probe station in the frequency range 0.01-40 GHz with a lateral resolution of 15-30 μm at U=0-10 V. The main electrophysical characteristics of a semiconductor film were determined from the spectra: type, concentration and mobility of free charge carriers, electrical conductivity. An excess resistance was found in the range f=0.1-20 GHz. This effect is interpreted as the deep states (traps) recharging for two types of traps - low-frequency l and high-frequency h with characteristic time tau_l=10-9 s, tau_h=4.2·10-11 s. A model description is proposed that explains the characteristic shape of the trap resistance spectrum, its dependence on the contact area and voltage U. Keywords: microwave band, near field, impedance, semiconductor, barier contact, deep states, electrophysical characteristics.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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