Nitrogen laser pumped by a pulsed longitudinal electric and inductive discharges
Razhev A. M.1, Churkin D. S.1,2, Tkachenko R. A.1,2
1Institute of Laser Physics of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia

For the first time, a method for the joint excitation of nitrogen by longitudinal electric and inductive discharges was proposed and experimentally implemented. Laser radiation with wavelengths of λ1=337.1 nm and λ2 =357.7 nm was obtained. The generation energy reached 0.54 mJ at the pulse duration of 20 ns (FWHM) and nitrogen pressure of 6-7 Torr with a uniform intensity distribution in the laser beam cross section. Nitrogen pumping by only a longitudinal discharge in the system with similar parameters resulted in decreasing the lasing energy to 0.39 mJ at the nitrogen pressure not higher than 5 Torr and in worsening the laser beam quality. Keywords: UV nitrogen laser, pulsed inductive discharge, longitudinal electric discharge, lasing energy.
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