Complete opening of a boiling-up jet discharged through short cylindrical nozzles
Busov K. A.1, Mazheiko N. A.1
1Institute of Thermal Physics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Yekaterinburg, Russia

An experimental investigation has been conducted of the boiling-up dynamics of a jet of superheated water discharged through short nozzles with six different diameters: d=0.15, d=0.2, d=0.3, d=0.4, d=0.5, d=0.6 mm. Changes in the shape of a boiling-up jet have been traced in a wide temperature range T=383-583 K. The necessary conditions for a complete opening of the flow have been established. On the basis of experimental data a map has been plotted regarding the change of the shape of the discharged liquid and the dependence of the change of the opening angle of the jet on the initial liquid pressure on the saturation line. Keywords: Superheated liquid, explosive boiling-up, complete jet opening, short cylindrical nozzle.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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