Ge/Si(001) heteroepitaxial layers doped in the HW CVD process by impurity evaporation from a sublimating Ge source
Titova A. M.1, Shengurov V. G.1, Denisov S.A.1, Chalkov V. Yu. 1, Zaitsev A. V. 1, Alyabina N. A. 1, Kudrin A. V. 1, Zdoroveishev A. V.1
1Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Ge/Si(001) heteroepitaxial layers were grown by HW CVD and in situ doped with Ga or Sb using a separate resistively heated Ge source containing one of these impurities. Sublimation of the germanium source gave a concentration of ~1·1019 cm-3 gallium atoms in the layers. The mode of introduction of this impurity into the epitaxial layers was investigated as a function of hot filament (Ta) temperature and growth temperature using C-V and Hall effect. To increase the maximum concentration of charge carriers in the Ge/Si(001) layers, a melt zone was formed on the Ge source during the growth of the layers, which made it possible to increase the concentration of impurities in the Ge layer by almost an order of magnitude. Keywords: heteroepitaxial layers, evaporation by sublimation, HW CVD, Si, Ge, n- and p-type alloying.
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