Gradient layers in a four-component Al-Ga-As-Sn system growth by liquid-phase epitaxy
Potapovich N. S. 1, Khvostikov V. P. 1, Khvostikova O. A. 1, Vlasov A. S.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The growth of thick (more than 50 μm) AlxGa1-xAs gradient layers in the Al-Ga-As-Sn system has been modeled. Sn-doped AlxGa1-xAs layers up to 85 μm thick were obtained by liquid-phase epitaxy. The obtained experimental profiles of the AlxGa1-xAs composition gradient satisfy the used theoretical model for the cases of growth from a limited volume of a solution-melt. Keywords: Liquid phase epitaxy, AlGaAs, phase equilibrium, photovoltaic cell, gradient layers.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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