Physics of the Solid State
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Patterns of the fractal dimension evolution of magneto-optical images of magnets after exposure to a pulsed field
Zigert A. D. 1, Kuz`min N. B.1, Semenova E. M. 1, Ivanova A. I. 1, Tretyakov S. A. 1, Sdobnyakov N. Yu. 1
1Tver State University, Tver, Russia

The results of fractal analysis of images of the surface of a permanent magnet NdFeB (N35 brand) obtained by the polar Kerr effect method using an indicator bismuth-containing ferrite-garnet film after magnetization reversal by a pulsed field of 0.1-2 T are presented. Two different methods of changing the magnetic field are used: sequential change in the magnitude of the magnetic pulse and magnetization to saturation before each acting pulse. A correlation between the form of the field dependences of the fractal dimension of the profile of magneto-optical images of the magnet surface DL(H) and the corresponding dependences Mr(H) is established. The obtained data are compared with the results of a similar fractal analysis of the KC37 (SmCo) magnet. Keywords: fractal dimension, remanence, field dependences, Kerr effect, ferrite-garnet film.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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