Creation of a physical model of Phobos using Mars Express mission data
Kolosov Y. A.1, Andreev A. O. 2, Demina N. K. 1, Nefedyev Y. A. 1
1Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
2Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan, Russia

The remote sensing data of Phobos are analyzed based on the data from "MarsExpress" and "Viking Orbiter" space missions. Based on this study, a structural model of Phobos was constructed. According to the results obtained, we conclude that the relief of Phobos is very ambiguous. Its entire surface is covered with many traces of meteorite impacts - craters. The parameters for a series of impact craters were obtained and their multi-factor analysis was performed. Keywords: remote sensing of Phobos, modeling of planetary parameters, astrophysical research.
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