The Noise Generation in One-Frequency IMPATT Diode Oscillator of Millimeter Wave Range on the Effect of Low-Frequency Harmonic Oscillation
Myasin E. A.1
1Fryazino Branch, Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Fryazino, Moscow oblast, Russia
The investigation of effect of the low-frequency harmonic oscillation on the nourishment circuit of the 7 mm wave region IMPATT diode oscillator was continued. In first time it was shown, that excitement of noise and the maximum height-frequency noise spectrum extension at a low-frequency oscillation amplitude increasing are connected with a transitory decreasing of the diode current lower the start current of height-frequency generation in the IMPATT diode oscillator. Keywords: effect, low-frequency harmonic oscillation, IMPATT diode oscillator, 7mm wave range, spectrum, amplitude detector.
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