Experimental-calculated estimation of fiber laser's response to pulsed X-rays
S.M.Dubrovskikh1, O.V.Tkachev1, V.P.Shukailo1, A.N.Slobozhanin1, A.N.Afanasiev1
1Russian Federal Nuclear Center – VNIITF, (Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Russian Federal Nuclear Center — Zababakhin All—Russia Research Institute of technical Physics») Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia
Email: S.M.Dubrovskikh@vniitf.ru

Experiments have been carried out to study the transient radiation-induced absorption in the active core of a double-clad ytterbium fiber and the response of a laser based on it under the exposure of pulsed X-rays. It has been found that the time of loss of laser performance (downtime) under pulsed irradiation increases with an increase in the absorbed of radiation and a decrease in the laser pump power and reaches values of ~1 ms. An analysis of the experimental results shows that the laser response to the X-rays pulse exposure is determined by radiation-induced losses in the active fiber core. An experimental-calculated method for estimating the radiation reaction of a laser, based on the results of studies of the active fiber, is proposed. Keywords: X-rays, fiber laser, radiation-induced attenuation, downtime.
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