Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Search for optimal conditions for monolithization of ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene reactor powder
Myasnikova L.P.1, Drobotko V.F.2, Borzenko A.P.2, Boiko Yu. M.1, Marikhin V.A.1, Terekhov S.A.2, Yagovkina M.A.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering, Donetsk, Ukraine

In order to clarify the possibility of sintering reactor powders of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene under pressure at a temperature higher than its equilibrium melting point at atmospheric pressure (T0m) without catastrophic changes in the internal structure of particles, a comparative WAXS analysis was carried out of the samples sintered below (T<T0m) and above (T>T0m) this temperature and cooled under different conditions. A structural analysis of the X-ray scattering curves recorded in the Bragg-Brentano mode on a 2D Phaser Bruker diffractometer from UHMWPE reactor powders sintered under different conditions was carried out, and the crystallite sizes were calculated. It was found that an increase in the sintering temperature above T0m does not significantly change the crystal structure of the polymer, and the precursors produced can be used for further orientational hardening. Keywords: ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene reactor powders, sintering, WAXS.
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