Effect of Fe3O4 nanoparticle concentration on the luminescence of AgInS2/ZnS in hybrid complex CaCO3-Fe3O4@AgInS2/ZnS
Kurshanov D.A. 1, Arefina I. A. 1, Stepanova M. S.1, Dubavik A. 1, Baranov A. V. 1
1Center of Information Optical Technology, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: kurshanov.danil@gmail.com, irina-arefina97@mail.ru, m.s.stepanova@itmo.ru, adubavik@itmo.ru, a_v_baranov@yahoo.com

In this paper, we studied the properties of a multifunctional system, in which the luminescent and magnetic properties are combined. The calcium carbonate microspheres are used as porous matrices for complexes combining luminescence properties of AgInS2/ZnS quantum dots and magnetic properties of Fe3O4 nanoparticles. The study investigates the effect of magnetic nanoparticles concentration on optical properties of quantum dots in CaCO3-Fe3O4@AgInS2/ZnS complexes. It is shown that applying calcium carbonate microspheres as a matrix permits to reduce quenching of the quantum dots luminescence. Keywords: hybrid system; ternary quantum dots, magnetic nanoparticles, iron oxide; calcium carbonate microspheres.
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