Spatio-temporal processes in the position-sensitive detector with moving current-voltage characteristic
Podlaskin B.G. 1, Guk E.G. 1, Obolenskov A.G. 1, Сухарев А.А. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The paper considers the features of transient phenomena during output signal generation in a position-sensitive detector (PSD) with a moving current-voltage (I-V) characteristic. The dependence of the linear and exponential parts of the movement trajectory of the I-V characteristic on the magnitude of voltage distributed over the resistive divider is studied. It is shown that optimizing the operating modes of the investigated PSDs in order to obtain maximum operation speed and maintain the specified resolution of the sensor requires maintaining a balance between the minimum of the applied voltage and the slope of the I-V characteristic in the aperture region. Keywords: position-sensing detector, moving current-voltage characteristic, operation speed.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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