Physics of the Solid State
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Particularities of spin wave propagation in magnonic crystals with nonuniform magnetization distribution across the thickness
Sakharov V. K. 1, Khivintsev Y. V. 1, Dudko G. M. 1, Dzhumaliev A. S. 1, Vysotskii S. L. 1, Stognij A. I. 2, Filimonov Yu. A. 1
1Saratov Branch, Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saratov, Russia
2Scientific-practical materials research centre, Institute of solid state physics and semiconductors, NAS, Minsk, Belarus

With the help of micromagnetic modeling, we considered particularities of dispersions and amplitude-frequency response of spin waves in a magnonic crystal (MC) formed by etching an array of grooves in the surface of yttrium iron garnet film having linear distribution of magnetization across the thickness from 1.7 kG at the upper surface till 2.02 kG at the bottom. For the geometry of surface magnetostatic spin waves (MSSW), it is shown that nonuniformity of magnetization distribution across the thickness leads to the appearance of frequency regions in the MC spectrum where MSSW propagation is unidirectional and, as the consequence, does not have Bragg resonances. It was also demonstrated that the MC spectrum is determined by the choice of surface used for the formation of the array of grooves. Keywords: spin wave, micromagnetic modelling, film of yttrium iron garnet, magnonic crystal.
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