Dielectric barrier discharge in a low-pressure He-Ne mixture. Afterglow spectroscopy of 2p55s-> 2p53p transitions
Gordeev S.V. 1, Ivanov V. A. 1, Skoblo Yu. E. 1
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: s.gordeev@spbu.ru, v.a.ivanov@spbu.ru, yuri_skoblo@mail.ru

The results of a spectroscopic study and simulation of the processes of population and destruction of the levels of the 2p55s configuration of a neon atom in a decaying plasma of a low-frequency barrier discharge in a He-Ne mixture are presented. Experimental conditions: helium pressure 0.08-22 Torr, neon pressure ≤ 3 mTorr, electron density less than 1011 cm-3. On the basis of data on the evolution of the populations of the 3si levels (in Paschen's notation) with a change in helium pressure, data on the rate constants of collisional processes that determine the kinetics of these levels in He-Ne plasma are obtained more accurate than those available in the literature. Keywords: dielectric barrier discharge, helium-neon plasma, excitation transfer, afterglow, inelastic collisions.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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