Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Metal-Insulator phase transition in thin films of vanadium dioxide doped with indium
Andreev V. N.1, Klimov V. A.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The electrical conductivity of thin polycrystalline films V(1-x)InxO2 has been studied in a wide temperature range covering the regions of existence of both the metallic and insulator phases. It is shown that with increasing indium concentration, the temperature of the metal-insulator phase transition decreases, and the width of the temperature region of phase coexistence monotonically increases. To explain the temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of the insulator phase V(1-x)InxO2, a model of hopping conductivity is applied, taking into account the effect of thermal vibrations of atoms on the resonance integral. Calculated the values of the parameter ε depend on the degree of doping of VO2. Keywords: phase transition, vanadium oxides, thin films, polaron, electrical conductivity.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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