Physics of the Solid State
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Surface crystallization of amorphous Fe73.8Si13B9.1Cu1Nb3.1 and Fe77.5Si13.5B9 microwires
Fuks A. A.1,2, Abrosimova G. E. 1, Aksenov O.I. 1, Aronin A. S. 1
1Osipyan Institute of Solid State Physics RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia
2National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Amorphous microwires of Fe73.8Si13B9.1Cu1Nb3.1 andFe77.5Si13.5B9 composition fabricated by the Ulitovsky-Taylor method were studied. The samples with the glass shell removed were heated at temperatures of 753 K and 703 K for 20 min, afterwards, their structure was examined using X-ray diffraction. Subsequently, the thermally treated samples were chemically etched and X-ray diffraction study of the structure was again carried out. Experimental results on the predominant crystallization of near-surface regions were discussed assuming that mechanical stresses affect the nucleation and growth of nanocrystals. Keywords: amorphous materials, stress distribution, nanocrystallization, X-ray diffraction.
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