Rotational and translational galloping of prisms in the air stream
Ryabinin A. N. 1, Bobu Yu. E. 1
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia

In experiments in a wind tunnel, oscillations of three prisms with a rectangular cross section are studied. The prisms are located perpendicular to the velocity vector of the incoming flow and are limited from the ends by end plates that prevent air flow. The elastic suspension allows body oscillation with six degrees of freedom. It turned out that under the action of the air flow, two modes of oscillation of prism realized: translational oscillations in the direction perpendicular to the generatrix of prismatic bodies and the flow velocity, and rotational oscillations around an axis that is parallel to the generatrix, passes through the center of the prism and is perpendicular to the velocity of the incoming air flow. The tension of the two springs included in the elastic suspension is measured by the strain gauge method during the oscillation. The calibration experiment makes it possible to link the amplitudes of spring tension oscillations and phase shift with the amplitudes of rotational and translational oscillations of prisms. It turned out that a prism with a height-to-width ratio of 0.22 in the flow is subject to rotational oscillations. An increase in the ratio of height to width to 0.36 leads to a decrease in the amplitude of rotational oscillations and the appearance of translational ones. The ranges of existence of rotational and translational oscillations overlap. A further increase in the ratio of height to width to 0.43 is accompanied by intensive translational galloping. Keywords: galloping, bluff body, wind tunnel, strain gauge, translational oscillations, rotational oscillations.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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