Application of hot isostatic pressing to improve the optical performance of polycrystalline zinc sulfide
Fedin A. V.
1,2, Gerke M. N.
2, Kochuev D. A.
2, Chkalov R. V.
2, Gavrishchuk E. M.
3, Balabanov S. S.
31Kovrov State Technological Academy named after V.A. Degtyarev, Kovrov, Russia
2Stoletovs Vladimir state university, Vladimir, Russia
3Devyatykh Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
The hot isostatic pressing of zinc sulfide, obtained by chemical vapor deposition technology, are studied to improve its quality characteristics. As a result of the studies carried out in the visible and near IR regions of the spectrum, the transmission of the treated samples was increased by 6-7 times compared to the untreated ones. In the wavelength range of 3-10 μm, the light transmission of the treated samples reached the theoretical limit. Keywords: chalcogenides, zinc sulfide, chemical vapor deposition, hot isostatic pressing.
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