Effect of buffer coatings on the structural state and magnetic properties of (Cr-Mn)/Fe films
Vas’kovskiy V. O. 1,2, Feshchenko A. A. 1, Moskalev M. E.1, Lepalovskij V. N.1, Kravtsov E. A.1,2, Gorkovenko A. N.1
1Ural Federal University after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia
2M.N. Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Email: vladimir.vaskovskiy@urfu.ru, a.a.feshchenko@urfu.ru, mikhail.moskalev@urfu.ru, vladimir.lepalovsky@urfu.ru, kravtsov@imp.uran.ru, a.n.gorkovenko@urfu.ru

The article presents the results of a systematic study of the crystalline structure, microstructure, and hysteresis properties of (Cr80Mn20)/Fe bilayers, deposited on buffer coatings of various metals (Cr, Fe, W, Ta). It has been established that depending on the composition of the buffer coating and the thickness of the Cr-Mn layer, the latter develops body-centered cubic structure with either the (110) or (200) texture, or none. It is shown that the Cr-Mn layer is a source of increased coercivity in the adjacent Fe layer and when is in a certain structural state and has a relatively large thickness (100 nm) induces exchange bias in the Fe layer. The regularities obtained are interpreted in terms of the antiferromagnetic ordering of Cr-Mn and its relatively weak magnetic anisotropy Keywords: antiferromagnetics, ferromagnetic, bilayers, thickness, composition, temperature, texture, coercivity, exchange bias.
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