Physics of the Solid State
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A criterion for determination of the upper critical fields Hc2 in YBCO thin films with different ion irradiation doses
Antonov A. V.1, Masterov D. V.1, Mikhaylov A. N. 2, Morozov S. V. 1, Pavlov S. A.1, Parafin A. E. 1,2, Tetelbaum D. I. 2, Ustavschikov S. S.1,2, Yunin P. A.1,2, Savinov D.A. 1,2
1Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Magnetotransport measurements were carried out for YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) thin films in external perpendicular magnetic fields of H. The studies were performed both for the virgin samples and for the irradiated ones. Xenon ions were used as an external irradiation. Thus we studied features of the broadening of superconducting transition in YBCO films (virgin and irradiated). The broadening of superconducting drop was analyzed depending on an external magnetic field H, as well as on an irradiation dose nD. When processing the experimental data R(H,T), we studied a criterion for determination of temperature dependence of the upper critical field Hc2(T). The criterion was analyzed depending on the defect concentration in the film corresponding to a certain value of nD. It was found out that for a virgin sample, Hc2 should be determined by the resistance level R=0.4RN inside the superconducting transition, where RN=R(T=100 K). With a gradual increase in nD, this resistance level decreases. At sufficiently high radiation doses nD>7·1012 cm-2, the Hc2(T) phase transition line should be determined by the level R~0. Keywords: thin films, HTSC, xenon ion irradiation, magnetotransport studies, broadening of the superconducting transition, upper critical field, phase transition line, Tinkham's formula, Abrikosov vortices.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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