Interband one photon absorption of light and its linear-circular dichroism in crystals with coherent saturation effect included
Rasulov V.R.1, Rasulov R.Ya.1, Kodirov N.U1, Isomaddinova U.M.1
1Fergana State University, Fergana, Uzbekistan
The polarization, spectral and temperature dependences of the single-photon absorption coefficient of polarized radiation are calculated, and its linear-circular dichroism in crystals of tetrahedral symmetry is researched. In this case, the contribution to the coefficients of one- and two-photon absorption of light from the effect of coherent saturation of optical transitions is taken into account. Keywords: polarization, spectral and temperature dependences of the single-photon light absorption coefficient, linear-circular dichroism, crystal of tetrahedral symmetry, coherent saturation effect. DOI: 10.61011/PSS.2023.07.56410.77
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