Shakirova A. A.1, Dementeva E. V.1, Popova T. B.1, Zamoryanskaya M. V.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
The ceramics based on cubic (Zr0.82-xHfxY0.17Eu0.01)O1.91 with different contents of hafnium were studied. In the work, the elemental composition of the samples was obtained, the cathodoluminescence (CL) spectra and decay kinetics of europium luminescence were studied. The researched showed increase in the content of hafnium doesn't affect the position and number of observed bands in the luminescence spectrum. The electric dipole and magnetic dipole radiative transitions ratio was estimated for all samples. It's demonstrated that a decrease in the local symmetry of the europium ion associated with an increase in the hafnium content. It's shown the 5D0-7F1 transition Eu3+ decay time doesn't depend on the hafnium content, but varies significantly in different regions of the sample, which can be attributed to the influence of grain boundaries. Keywords: (Zr,Hf,Y,Eu)O2 solid solution, cathodoluminescence, asymmetry coefficient, luminescence decay kinetics.
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