Microspectroscopy of single color centers in alkaline halide crystals
Martynovich E. F. 1, Zilov S. A. 1, Dresvyanskiy V. P. 1
1Irkutsk Branch of Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Email: femto@bk.ru

Single color centers in the LiF crystal were studied by confocal fluorescence microscopy with analysis and statistical processing of the time dependences of their fluorescence intensity. The possibility of identifying quantum systems whose selection by luminescence excitation (absorption) spectra, luminescence spectra, and luminescence decay time is difficult due to their overlap or due to the coincidence of the corresponding characteristics of different centers is shown. An additional identification feature in this case is the flicker frequency and other characteristics of the time dependences of the luminescence intensity. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated by the example of two color centers of different nature (F2 and F3, stabilized by an impurity-vacancy dipole) in a lithium fluoride crystal. Keywords: fluorescence, single color center, confocal microscopy, spectroscopy.
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