Zuev M. G.
1, Vasin A. A.
1, Ilves V. G.
2, Sokovnin S. Yu.
2,31Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch, Yekaterinburg, Russia
2Institute of Electrophysics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia
3Ural Federal University after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Email: zuev@ihim.uran.ru, andrey-htt@yandex.ru, zefivg@mail.ru, sokovnin@iep.uran.ru
Polycrystalline phosphors with a Sr2Y8-x-yYbyTmxSi6O26 (x=0.005-0.5, y=0.2,0.3) total formula were synthesized. Nanoluminophor has been obtained from the Sr2Y7.695Yb0.3Tm0.005Si6O26 microcrystalline sample by the vacuum electron been evaporation, in the amorphous state, with the ~10.6 nm particle size. It is found, raman spectra undergoing modification by the transition from bulk- to nanosize state. Photoluminescene spectra micro- and nanophosphors are studied. Intensity of the blue emission, by the UV ligth excitation, grows in the x=0.005-0.02 region, with the x increasing. Upconversion photoluminescence (UPCL) spectra of the bulk phosphors and nanosample based on the Sr2Y7.695Yb0.3Tm0.005Si6O26 were measurd. At the pumping power around 70.8 mW, by the laser source with the λ=980 nm, thereshold population of the 3F3 level of Tm3+ ions exist. At a power higher 70.8 mW, a sharp increase of the luminescence intensityof the bulk- and nanophosphor occurs. For the 3H4->3H6 transition thereshold pumping power absent. This indicates that, pumping, during Yb->Tm energy transer, is a single photon process. Keywords: Photoluminescence, Tm3+, Yb3+ ions, raman spectra.
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