Blazed silicon gratings for soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet radiation: the effect of groove profile shape and random roughness on the diffraction efficiency
Goray L. I.1,2,3,4, Sharov V. A.5, Mokhov D. V.2, Berezovskaya T.N.2, Shubina K. Yu.2, Pirogov E. V. 2, Dashkov A. S.1,2, Bouravleuv A. D.1,3,4,5
1 Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2Alferov Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education and Science Saint Petersburg National Research Academic University of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
3Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
4AN HEO "University associated with IA EAEC", Saint-Petersburg, Russia
5Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The effect of the groove profile shape and random roughness of the reflecting facet of five silicon diffraction gratings (1-4o blaze angle, period 0.4, 1.4, 2, and 4 μm, various coatings) operating in the soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet radiation ranges on the outflow of the diffraction efficiency from working orders is studied. Diffraction gratings were fabricated by wet etching of Si(111) vicinal wafers and characterized by atomic force microscopy to determine the shape of the groove profile and roughness. The diffraction efficiency of gratings operating in classical and conical diffraction mounts was calculated based on realistic groove profiles by computer simulation using the PCGrateTM code and taking into account the scattering intensity using Nevot-Croce or Debye-Waller corrections or using the Monte Carlo method (rigorously). The effect of the groove profile shape and roughness on the diffraction efficiency of the fabricated Si gratings is shown. Keywords: diffraction grating, triangular groove profile, reflective facet roughness, AFM, diffraction efficiency modelling. DOI: 10.61011/TP.2023.07.56619.66-23
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