Study of the metrological characteristics of a spatial frequency domain imaging system for biological tissues structure visualization
Zakharov M. A.1, Semenova A.S.1, Kolpakov A.V. 1
1Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia

The work is devoted to the study of the measurement accuracy of the spatial frequency domain imaging system for the detection and objective numerical evaluation of optical inhomogeneities in biological tissues. As a result of the initial stage of experimental studies on a stand simulating a spatial frequency domain imaging system, the operating range of spatial frequencies of illuminating irradiation modulation was determined, which ensures maximum reproducibility of the measurement results, and the possibility of achieving a relative measurement error of optical parameters of no more than 10% was shown. Keywords: spatial frequency domain imaging, optical properties, biological tissues, spectrophotometry, optical imaging, metrological characteristics, quantitative assessment, measurement errors. DOI: 10.61011/EOS.2023.06.56670.110-23
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