Investigation of radiation resistance of heterostructure silicon solar cells
Kalinovskii V. S. 1, Terukov E. I. 1,2, Prudchenko K. K. 1, Bazeley A. A. 2, Kontrosh E. V. 1, Tolkachev I. A. 1, Titov A. A. 2
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2R&D Center of Thin Film Technologies in Energetics under the Ioffe Institute LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia

The radiation resistance of different types of heterostructural silicon solar cells under irradiation with 1 MeV electrons in the fluence range 2.5· 1014-1· 1015 cm-2 has been studied. Studies have shown that the smallest degradation of the "saturation" currents of the diffusion current flow mechanism from J0d≤ 5· 10-13 A/cm2 to J0d≤ 3· 10-12 A/cm2 and efficiency from 19.2 to 13.6% (AM0, 1367 W/m2) were n-α-Si:H/c-p(Ga)/p- α-Si:H and n-μ c-Si:H/c-p(Ga)/p -α-Si:H. The results obtained make it possible to evaluate the prospects for the use of heterostructure silicon solar cells for low-orbit spacecraft. Keywords: heterostructure silicon solar cells, saturation currents, efficiency, radiation resistance, 1 MeV electrons, low orbit satellite communication. DOI: 10.61011/TPL.2023.08.56689.19573
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