Physics of the Solid State
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Influence of the grain boundary state on the plasticization effect in ultrafine-grained Al-0.4Zr alloy
Mavlyutov A. M.1,2, Orlova T. S. 1, Murashkin M. Yu.1,3, Enikeev N. A.3
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
3Ufa University of Science and Technology, Ufa, Russia

The influence of small additional deformation by cold rolling (CR) on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained (UFG) Al-0.4Zr alloy structured by high pressure torsion (HPT) has been studied. The results are compared with the application of small additional deformation by HPT, which, after low-temperature annealing, leads to a substantial increase in ductility (plasticization effect) with small decrease in strength. It is shown that, in contrast to the additional deformation of HPT, the deformation of CR after intermediate low-temperature annealing leads to a sharp drop in plasticity to ~2%, while the strength increases to ~275 MPa. The key role of the nonequilibrium state of grain boundaries in the manifestation of the plasticization effect in the UFG Al-0.4Zr alloy is revealed. A new approach is proposed for simultaneously increasing the strength and ductility of the UFG Al-0.4Zr alloy due to a small additional deformation by CR without intermediate annealing. As a result of this approach, a significant increase in strength by ~30% (ultimate tensile strength ~223 MPa) was achieved with a simultaneous increase in ductility up to ~26%, which is associated with an increase in the strain hardening rate due to an increase in the density of lattice dislocations in the UFG structure with nonequilibrium grain boundaries. The strain rate sensitivity and strain hardening coefficients have been determined for the UFG Al-0.4Zr alloy in various states. Keywords: aluminum-zirconium alloys, severe plastic deformation, ultrafine-grained structure, annealing-induced hardening, deformation-induced softening.
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