Kazei Z. A.1, Snegirev V. V.1, Stolyarenko M. S.1
1Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Email: kazei@plms.phys.msu.ru
For the first time, changes in lattice parameters (metrics) during a structural transition in stoichiometric cobaltite TmBaCo4O7+x with x~ 0 (iodometric titration method) obtained by quenching from 900-950oC were investigated by direct X-ray method. It was found that during the structural transition TS~220-240 K, the Δ a/a parameter does not detect any features, parameters b and c experience jumps of different sign and different magnitude Δ b/b~3.5·10-3 and Δ c/c~-4.0·10-3, which leads to a jump in the volume of Delta Δ V/V~ -0.5·10-3. The distortion value εo~ -3.5·10-3 remains constant with increasing temperature and disappears abruptly during the transition. The distortion of the structure is accompanied by anomalous behavior of the Young's modulus Δ E(T)/E0 in the TS region. In the region of the expected magnetic phase transition of the cobalt subsystem, anomalies in the Young's modulus curve Δ E(T)/E0 were not detected, and a strong absorption peak at T~ 96 K in the internal friction dependence q-1(T) is, apparently, a sign of a developed short-range order. Keywords: frustrated systems, cobaltites, structural phase transitions, lattice parameters, isotropic deformation, anisotropic deformation, Young's modulus, internal friction.
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