Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Phase transitions in frustrated cobaltite TmBaCo4O7
Kazei Z. A.1, Snegirev V. V.1, Stolyarenko M. S.1
1Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

For the first time, changes in lattice parameters (metrics) during a structural transition in stoichiometric cobaltite TmBaCo4O7+x with x~ 0 (iodometric titration method) obtained by quenching from 900-950oC were investigated by direct X-ray method. It was found that during the structural transition TS~220-240 K, the Δ a/a parameter does not detect any features, parameters b and c experience jumps of different sign and different magnitude Δ b/b~3.5·10-3 and Δ c/c~-4.0·10-3, which leads to a jump in the volume of Delta Δ V/V~ -0.5·10-3. The distortion value εo~ -3.5·10-3 remains constant with increasing temperature and disappears abruptly during the transition. The distortion of the structure is accompanied by anomalous behavior of the Young's modulus Δ E(T)/E0 in the TS region. In the region of the expected magnetic phase transition of the cobalt subsystem, anomalies in the Young's modulus curve Δ E(T)/E0 were not detected, and a strong absorption peak at T~ 96 K in the internal friction dependence q-1(T) is, apparently, a sign of a developed short-range order. Keywords: frustrated systems, cobaltites, structural phase transitions, lattice parameters, isotropic deformation, anisotropic deformation, Young's modulus, internal friction.
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