Generation and quenching in the XeCl* excimer laser pumped by mixed gamma-neutron radiation from a nuclear reactor
Mis'kevich A. I.1
1National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia

A decrease in the gain of the active medium of a nuclear-pumped excimer laser has been experimentally discovered at the B-X- and C-A-transitions of the XeCl* molecule (308 nm, 352 nm) when the Ar-Xe-CCl4 medium is pumped with mixed gamma-neutron radiation nuclear reactor. The effect is due to the quenching effect of secondary electrons formed in the active medium of an excimer laser under the influence of instantaneous gamma radiation. The effect increases significantly with increasing gamma radiation flux density, and the loss coefficient can reach values of ~10-2-2·10-2 cm-1. Keywords: nuclear pumping, excimer laser, gamma radiation, electron quenching.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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