Current instability in heterostructures based on thin layers of colloidal Ag2Se quantum dots and fullerene C60
Gurchenko V. S.1, Mazinov A. S.1, Tyutyunik A. S.1, Grevtseva I. G.2, Smirnov M. S.2, Aslanov S. V.2, Ovchinnikov O. V.2
1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia
2Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia

This paper presents studies of the electrical properties of thin-film layers of colloidal silver selenide quantum dots (Ag2Se), as well as heterostructures based on fullerene C60 and Ag2Se. The synthesis of materials, the technique for obtaining thin films and heterostructures are described. The study of conductive properties was carried out by analyzing the current-voltage characteristics. It is shown that thin films of Ag2Se in the Al-C60-Ag2Se-ITO sandwich structure system have unique current-voltage characteristics, in particular, they have current instability with inversion of the sign of the flowing current. Implementation of the heterostructure in the Al-Ag2Se-ITO system makes it possible to stabilize and enhance this effect. Keywords: Ag2Se, thin-film structures, voltage-current characteristics, current instability.
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