Physics of the Solid State
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Control of spin wave characteristics in the system of YIG microwaveguides with various dipole coupling parameters
Khutieva A. B. 1, Akimova V. R.1, Sadovnikov A. V.1
1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia

The propagation of spin waves (SW) in a bilayer array of laterally and vertically coupled microwaveguides is investigated. Using micromagnetic modeling, the spatial intensity distribution and dynamic magnetization distribution of SWs in an array of microwaveguides formed by iron-yttrium garnet (YIG) strips. Methods of control of the spatial structure of the spin-wave beam and its division between the channels of the array of the YIG microwaveguides. It is shown that it is possible to control the direction of propagation of the SW in an array of laterally and vertically coupled microwaveguides laterally and vertically coupled microwaveguides by changing the phase shift between the harmonic excitation signals applied to the two central channels of one of the layers, and by varying the magnitude of the vertical and lateral gaps. The mode of concentration power of the signal encoded in the form of amplitude and phase of the SW at the ends of the center channels with a the possibility of their separate inclusion, as well as the mode of signal control at the ends of microstripes the upper layer of the ensemble with the possibility of changing the phase of the output signal in a separate channel, that allows to use an array of microwaveguides as a controlled logical device or a multichannel power divider. Keywords: spin wave, micromagnetic modeling, spin-wave beam, discrete diffraction.
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