Micromanipulation system for insect sensilla based on shape memory Ti50Ni25Cu25 alloy
von Gratowski S.V. 1, Zhukovskaya M. I. 2, Lunichkin A.M.2, Shelyakov A.V. 3, Sitnikov N. N. 4, Koledov V.V. 1,5, Borodako K. A. 1,3, Petrenko S.F.5
1Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics (IRE) of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
3National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia
4State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation "Keldysh Research Center", Moscow, Russia
5Sirius University of Science and Technology, Sochi, Russia
Email: svetlana.gratowski@yandex.ru, mzhukovskaya@rambler.ru, bolverkdc@mail.ru, alex-shel@mail.ru, sitnikov_nikolay@mail.ru, victor_koledov@mail.ru, borodako_kir@mail.ru

Insect pest control requires fundamental knowledge of their physiology and behavioral responses. However, due to the small size of insects, in general, and their sensory organs (sensilla), in particular, the study of the physiology of insect sensory systems has until recently been limited by insufficient accuracy and selectivity of experimental mechanical manipulation. To eliminate this gap in the study of insects, a physical technology is proposed based on a micromechanical device - microtweezers based on a layered structural composite of Ti50Ni25Cu25 alloy with a shape memory effect (SME), combined with a temperature control system and a three-coordinate piezoelectric micropositioner. Microtweezers with SME selectively capture the smallest sensilla of the studied insects, enabling their precise mechanical stimulation with simultaneous recording of physiological responses generated by sensilla using methods of impulse derivation in the nerve centers of the insect. Keywords: shape memory alloys, shape memory effect (SME), microtweezers, insect sensilla, impulse conduction in insect nerve centers.
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