Physics of the Solid State
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Diffusive-hydrodynamic transition in the anomalous Hall effect
Zohrabyan D. S.1,2, Glazov M. M. 3
1L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka, Russia
3Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

We have developed a theory of the anomalous Hall effect in two-dimensional electron gas in the case where the time of electron-electron collisions is much smaller than the transport relaxation time. The transition between the diffusive transport regime, when the momentum relaxation length of electrons is much smaller than the channel width, and the hydrodynamic regime, when the momentum relaxation length exceeds the channel width, has been traced. The contributions of the anomalous velocity, wave packet shifts, and asymmetric scattering to the anomalous Hall field and voltage have been calculated. It has been shown that the anomalous Hall voltage caused by the asymmetric scattering can have a nontrivial coordinate dependence and change its sign depending on the specific scattering mechanism. Key words: anomalous Hall effect, magnetotransport, spin-orbit interaction, electron-electron collisions, electron fluid hydrodynamics, anomalous velocity, wave packet shift, asymmetric scattering.
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