The effect of adding nanodispersed aluminum particles on characteristics of detonation of hydrogen-air mixtures
Khmel T.A.1, Lavruk S.A.1
1Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

The results of two-dimensional numerical simulation of detonation of poor hydrogen-air gases mixtures with additives of aluminum particles with a diameter of 150-300 nm are presented. The influence of particles on the character of cellular detonation (cells become regular) and cell size (significantly decreases with increasing load). The influence of particles on the detonation velocity was determined: in the range of the fuel equivalent ratio 0.6-1 speed increase can be up to 15%. Keywords: detonation, numerical methods, hydrogen-air mixture, hybrid detonation.
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