Stimulated Raman scattering of titanium-sapphire laser pulses with duration from 7 ps to 45 ps in BaWO4 crysral
Kinyaevskiy I. O.1, Koribut A. V.1, Seleznev L. V.1, Grudtsyn Ya. V.1
1Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Transient stimulated Raman scattering of titanium-sapphire laser pulses with varying duration in a BaWO4 crystal was experimentally studied at its dominant mode ν1=925 cm-1 with the dephasing time T2~6.6 ps. For pulses with a duration of 7-17 ps (corresponding to ~ T2 - 2.5T2), the maximum conversion efficiency was ~1%, which was achieved at the same laser pulse fluence of 1.2±0.2 J/cm2. At a pulse duration of 45 ps ( ~7T2), the SRS conversion efficiency was 7 times higher (~7%), and the SRS "threshold" fluence was 2 times lower. It has been shown that to reduce the threshold and to increase the efficiency of stimulated Raman scattering, the femtosecond pulse should be stretched in time at least to ~7T2. Keywords: stimulated Raman scattering, BaWO4, chirped pulses, transient regime.

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