Application of gas-discharge plasma at reduced pressure as a radiating body of an asymmetrical dipole antenna
Usachonak M. S. 1, Simonchik L.V. 1, Bogachev N. N. 2, Andreev S. E. 2
1B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
2Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

A plasma asymmetrical dipole antenna was investigated in the frequency range 1-3 GHz, the radiating body of which was a glow discharge positive column in neon at reduced pressure. It was shown that the antenna has a circular azimuthal radiation pattern with one main lobe directed at an angle of 60o to the horizon, with a width of about 30o in elevation. The influence of the electron density in the plasma column on the S parameters and gain of the plasma antenna was experimentally investigated. It was shown that at an electron density of more than 1014 cm-3 the maximum gain is more than -6 dBi. The importance of simultaneous measurements of S11 and S21 parameters of a plasma antenna is noted. The possibility of using atmospheric pressure discharges as a plasma dipole antenna is considered. The obtained results are important for the development of high-speed adaptive radioelectronic systems. Keywords: gas discharge, asymmetrical dipole, antenna, radiation pattern, gain, electron density.
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