Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Critical behavior of the three-component Potts model on a square lattice
Ataeva G. Ya.1, Babatv A. B.1, Murtazaev A. K.1
1Amirkhanov Institute of Physics, Daghestan Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia

The critical behavior of the three-component Potts model on a square lattice has been studied using the Monte Carlo method. Systems with linear dimensions Lx L=N, L=10/ 320 are considered. Based on the theory of finite-dimensional scaling, static critical indices are calculated: heat capacity α, susceptibility γ, magnetization β and the critical index of the correlation radius ν. It is found that the obtained critical indices for the three-component Potts model on a square lattice coincide quite well with the data for the rigid hexagon model, to which the two-dimensional Potts model with the number of spin states q=3 can be reduced. Keywords: Potts model, critical indices, scaling hypothesis, Monte Carlo method, thermodynamic parameters.
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