Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Correlations microstructure-dielectric properties in thin films of high molecular weight atactic polystyrene
Novikov D.V.1
1Kirov State Forest Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia

The density microfluctuations δrho on the surface of thin films obtained from solutions of various concentrations c of high molecular weight atactic polystyrene in chloroform have been studied by electron microscopy. It is shown that the value of δrho and the dielectric properties of films - the dielectric permittivity ε, as well as the dielectric loss angle tangent tgΔ change nonmonotonously on the scale of parameter c. The minimum ε and maximum tgΔ correspond to a sharp surge in microfluctuations and fractalization of the supermolecular structure of the polymer. The discovered correlations of the "microstructure-properties" type are explained by structural transitions during film formation - aggregation of macromolecules and self-organization of particle aggregates. Keywords: thin polymer films, electron microscopy, density microfluctuations, fractal structure, structural transitions.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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