Electrophysical properties of carbon diamond-like and graphite-like thin films
Plotnikov V. A. 1, Makarov S.V. 1, Grekova A.A.1, Shutkin A.A.1
1Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia
Email: plotnikov@phys.asu.ru, makarov@phys.asu.ru

Measurements of local volt-ampere dependences in carbon diamond-like and graphite-like thin films have been carried out. The analysis of these dependencies allows us to conclude that there is tunneling of charge carriers between conjugated graphite-like clusters through a dielectric layer formed by diamond-like clusters. The structure of a graphite-like cluster, which is a collection of 1 to 3 hexagonal planes shifted relative to each other in positions different from their position in an ideal graphite crystal, allows us to consider their electrophysical properties similar to those of a minimal set of graphene planes. It can be assumed that the revealed features of local volt-ampere dependencies in carbon diamond-like and graphite-like films are related to these electrophysical properties. Keywords: diamond-like films, graphite-like films, diamond-like clusters, graphite-like clusters, sp2-, sp3-bonds, volt-ampere dependence, local electrical conductivity.
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