Determination of near-electrode voltage drops and average field in a discharge channel with a current amplitude of 1.3 MA in hydrogen at an initial pressure of 5 MPa
Pinchuk M. E. 1, Budin A. V. 1, Krivosheev S. I. 2, Kolikov V. A. 1, Bogomaz A. A. 1
1Institute for Electrophysics and Electric Power, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia

The results of a study of a discharge in hydrogen at an initial pressure of ~ 5 MPa and a current amplitude of ~ 1.3 MA, initiated by the explosion of a wire, are presented. The mean value of the electric field in the discharge channel and the mean near-electrode voltage drop were determined in a series of experiments with steel electrodes in the range of interelectrode gaps from 1 to 2 cm at the moment of current maximum. The total near-electrode voltage drop was ~ 2.45 kV and the electric field strength in the discharge channel was ~ 0.6 kV/cm. Keywords: megaampere discharge, hydrogen of high pressure, electric field and near-electrode voltage drop determination.
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