Study of a thermodynamic microwave-heated noise-source for calibration of RFTES detector
Kim T. M.1, V.I. Chichkov 1, Shitov S. V. 1,2
1National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia
2Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

A concept and experimental data are presented for testing a miniature thermodynamic noise-source based on heating a niobium film bridge in a superconducting resonator at a frequency of about 1.4 GHz. The thermodynamic noise signal was emitted by a double-slot superconducting integrated lens antenna in the range 550-750 GHz in the form of a collimated beam with a length of about 15 mm onto the aperture of the RFTES detector; both devices are installed on the same stage of a dilution cryostat at a physical temperature of the emitting chip and detector of about 60 mK. For the first time, the optical effect of a microminiature thermodynamic noise-source in the terahertz range on an ultra-low temperature bolometer has been observed. The thermal load of the experimental noise-source on the dilution cryostat was analyzed. Keywords: thermodynamic noise, superconducting transition, superconducting microbridge, superconducting resonator, planar lens-antenna, direct detector, RFTES detector.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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